Olympic Games Paris 2024
Be our guest

Be our guest for the concert “Au service de sa majesté : les chapelles royales de Londres et de Paris” (France)

Be our guest for the concert “Au service de sa majesté : les chapelles royales de Londres et de Paris” (France)
Discover the musical institutions in all their splendor, restored by Charles II as he regained the throne of England after long years of exile during Cromwell's republic - which he spent at the French court, among other places. He innovated and sparked off extraordinary creativity with a model that left a lasting impression on him: that of Louis XIV's Chapelle Royale, with its skilful blend of politics and religion.
We invite you to join us for an exceptional experience. A tailor-made welcome and cocktail reception will be offered.
June 14, 2024
at 18h00
For all retail investors with more than 1,500 Orange shares

We invite you to share a unique and prestigious experience with us. Thank you again for supporting our strategy.
Registration for this event is now closed.